Wall paintings are based on basic geometric reasoning and principles or axioms. The earliest theories of geometry and its basic use can be found in ancient Egypt. Geometricians used words instead of fixed units to measure. Eucleides defined these terms as the basic axioms by which mathematicians could be guided. Each image represents my interpretation of one of the axioms. I created the images using fused glass, flat glass and drawn glass rods. I hand-cut each piece of the painting to make it as close to the prism as possible. The visually precise composition and rectangularity contrasts with the hand cut glass, which is imprecise, sometimes crooked and irregular.

2024 / cut glass, flat glass, fused glass

For information about the price and availability of the paintings, please visit

The available paintings are exhibited in Galerii Glassimo in the centre of Prague. 

Obraz č.3. Celek je větší než díl

Obraz č.2. Všechny pravé úhly sobě rovny jsou

Obraz č.6. Odejmou-li se od rovných rovné, zbývající části jsou rovny

Obraz č.4. Veličiny témuž rovné i navzájem rovny jsou